Annual Ride For Scholars Fundraiser

August 17, 2024

Dellinger Park Cartersville, Ga

Our Founder

Our Founder

Gloria Calhoun is the founder of Harvesting Scholars LLC and Scholars to Leaders, Inc. She is known and sought after for her expertise in helping individuals to navigate the maze of education from cradle to career. She is the author of " Reap A Harvest: Helpful Tips For Aspiring College Students, and Money Matters, Tips for Finding Scholarships." Her work with Harvesting Scholars was the featured Community Based Organization (CBO) in the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC) NACAC Journal of College Admissions, and many other newspaper articles and publications. She has received numerous awards and recognition for her work with Harvesting Scholars and has assisted dozens of students and individuals locally, and across the U.S. and Camaroon Africa with achieving their educational and career goals. 

Affectionally called "Mrs. Glo", Gloria is well known for her great rapport and passion for helping children and families realize and achieve their goals. Utilizing her P.A.K. model, Gloria is dedicated to helping prepare high school students to be positioned to have access to information and the knowledge needed to make informed decisions for their educational and career path after high school graduation.

The overall mission of Harvesting Scholars is to ensure equal access to educational resources

that prepare youth and young adults for educational and career success. The journey began in

2013 after years of motivating and helping both traditional and non-traditional students navigate

getting into college and determining their career pathway. As ongoing mentorship and assistance

with researching schools and their entry requirements increased, it was recognized that many just

do not know where to start or what to do to make that next step. 

Harvesting Scholars’ goal is to provide an additional avenue to keep students informed of what the college admissions process entails and encourage students in as early as middle school to begin thinking about college early on. 

When Harvesting Scholars began in 2013, this resource was unavailable to low income, especially black and brown youth in the Northwest Georgia community. Unfortunately, there is still a demographic of students that still miss out on

information partly because many are still trying to pass their classes and are worried about simply

graduating before even thinking of college. As a result, we intentionally host our events during

the unconventional periods so that even the late comers know that college is still possible. 

We believe in the old African proverb, “It takes a village”. Recognizing that school administrators

can’t do it all, we collaborate with local community organizations, school staff and families to

provide additional supports to help increase enrollment and completion of degree and certificate

programs with an end result that leads into productive citizens giving back to their communities

and positively contributing to workforce development.

Certifications & Professional Development:

  • Vetted by IECA and SACAC
  • Earned Bachelors Degree in Sociology and English. 
  • Dual Masters degrees in Educational Leadership and Elementary Teacher Education
  • College & Career Counselor
  • Christian Counseling
  • Certified Professional Learning Communities Faciliator
  • Strengthening Business Practices
  • Professional Development Specialist
  • Strength and Practice Based Coaching
  • Trauma Informed Care Coach (Strategic Trauma Approach To Recovery System)
  • Certified Mental Health Coach & First Responder
  • Certified Life Coach